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CN35 Switch off internal sounds. But how?

Good morning,

I am fairly new to my CN35 and the manual. I would like to try Pianoteq. In order to do so I have to switch off the internal sounds of the CN35, as Pianoteq says. I tried to find how to do this in the maual but I cannot find this. Can anybody help, please?

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
CN35 Switch off internal sounds. But how? - von Matthijs - 14.04.2017, 08:07
RE: CN35 Switch off internal sounds. But how? - von hansjuergenkurth - 14.04.2017, 11:56
RE: CN35 Switch off internal sounds. But how? - von Matthijs - 14.04.2017, 13:02
RE: CN35 Switch off internal sounds. But how? - von Chris - 14.04.2017, 13:50
RE: CN35 Switch off internal sounds. But how? - von Matthijs - 14.04.2017, 15:23

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